Reports from the AGM
We had our AGM on the 24th August 2022 that was well attended, we held this over Chime.
Meeting Minutes
1. Attendance
- Chris Watson
- Terence White
- Kobe Xu
- Mark Goatley
- Lilupa Karu
- Steven Ensslen
- Riaan de Klerk
- Gleidson Nascimento
- Hrishi Hiremath
- Gethika Guruge
- Scott Patterson
- Yoan Tresfield
- Sebastian Kruger (also proxy for Tom Culley)
Three guests (not named)
2. Summary of Presidents Report 2022 – Chris Watson
3. Financial Annual Report 2022 – Steven Ensslen
AWS User Group Profit and Loss 2022
AWS User Group Balance Sheet 2022
4. Amendments to our Constitution – Steven Ensslen
The committee moves the following two amendments to our constitution per 22.2 of our constitution.
4.a Change request by IR 2022-05-13
The committee recommends the addition of the following wording as a new list item at the end of section 16.1:
No member of the Society or any person associated with a member, shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the Society, in respect of the payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, benefit, or advantage whatsoever. Any such income shall be reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in an arm’s length transaction (being open market value).
The reason for this change is that is was requested by Inland Revenue for our non-profit status.
4.b Change Quorum to 6
The committee invites discussion of amending 21.6 to read “at least six eligible members” instead of “at least 40% of eligible members”.
The reason for this change is so that we can admit large numbers of members who are not involved with the society’s internal administration.
5. Notice of Resignation from Committee
Gopinath Saker
Logan Anderson, who is also stepping down from Secretary.
6. Nominations for Committee (And Exec Positions)
- Terence White incl. President.
- Mark Goatley incl. Vice President
Chris Watson incl. Treasurer. Chris is stepping down from President. - Sebastian Kruger incl. Secretary. Sebastian is stepping down from Vice President.
- Lilupa Karu
- Garima Garima
- Hrishi Hiremath
- Riaan de Klerk
- Geethika Guruge
- Steven Ensslen. Steven is stepping down from Treasurer.
- Yoan Tresfield
- Kobe Xu
- Scott Patterson
- Gleidson Nascimento
- Tom Cully
- Daniel Surendran
Voting on Proposals
4.a. Voted as approved.
4.b. Voted as approved.
6. All committee members proposed (incl. exec positions) voted as approved.
Chris Watson and Mark Goatley to organize publishing President & Financial Reports onto website, plus social media linked to site.
Steven Ensslen to alter constitution – accept pulls in GitHub, update website, and update Society Office / NZ Companies Registrar
Sebastian Kruger to update committee meeting invites for new committee.
Mark Goatley to update website with updated committee.
The committee to sort out functional lead via Slack channel.
Chris Watson to update Confluence users to reflect committee changes.
Chris Watson communicate out that the Community membership is the General Slack thread.